Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
Date of First Registration: 23/06/2014
State: Western Australia
Post code: 6005
Former names:
Event | Date |
Lodges a return showing the outcome of the administration following the end of the administration | 01/03/2019 |
Lodges notification of the appointment or cessation of an external administrator | 26/02/2019 |
Lodges a copy of the statutory report prepared by the liquidator to creditors | 16/10/2018 |
Lodges report on company activities and property | 24/09/2018 |
Lodges outcome of proposal to creditors or contributories | 24/08/2018 |
Lodges notification by officeholder of resignation or retirement | 20/08/2018 |
Lodges a summary of the company's affairs and details of creditors | 31/07/2018 |
Lodges a copy of a declaration of relevant relationships and/or declaration of indemnities | 20/07/2018 |
Event | Date |
Lodges a return showing the outcome of the administration following the end of the administration | 01/03/2019 |
Lodges notification of the appointment or cessation of an external administrator | 26/02/2019 |
Lodges a copy of the statutory report prepared by the liquidator to creditors | 16/10/2018 |
Lodges report on company activities and property | 24/09/2018 |
Lodges outcome of proposal to creditors or contributories | 24/08/2018 |
Lodges notification by officeholder of resignation or retirement | 20/08/2018 |
Lodges a summary of the company's affairs and details of creditors | 31/07/2018 |
Lodges a copy of a declaration of relevant relationships and/or declaration of indemnities | 20/07/2018 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Event | Date | Appointee |
ASIC is notified of the appointment or cessation of a liquidator to the company in a creditors voluntary winding up | 17/07/2018 | Cassandra Mathews |
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