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Vitol Capital Management Ltd or Vitol Capital

Company details
Name: Vitol Capital Management Ltd or Vitol Capital
ACN: 2161


Former names:

(Note: this company is not connected and should not be confused with the legitimate firm the Vitol Group of companies all of which are registered non-clearing members of the New York Mercantile Exchange in the United States of America: Vitol Capital Management Ltd 1100 Louisiana Street Suite 5500 Houston Texas 77002 Vitol Refining Capital Management Ltd 1100 Louisiana Street Suite 5500 Houston Texas 77002 Vitol S.A. Boulevard du Pont D'Arve 28 Ch 1205 Geneva P.O. Box 384 1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland) 157 Chambers Street # 10 New York NY 10007-351 Ph /fax 1 646 224 8359 Toll free 1 888 487 9306

Documents lodged with ASIC


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    Insolvency Appointments and Other Events
    ASIC has warned the public not to deal with this business as it could be involved in a scam. It has made unsolicited calls or sent emails about investing, financial advice, credit or loans. It does not hold a current Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence or an Australian Credit licence from ASIC.23/08/2019
    Capital Gains Tax Status