Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
Please complete the details below for each parcel you wish to sell (accuracy is vital). Please click on the HELP link at the beginning of each line of input.
Enter here only transactions where the securities are held in the name of a custodian, to close an account and/or crystallise a loss. The transaction may be entered by either the beneficial owner of the securities, or the financial adviser or the platform provider or the custodian.
Our new total fee for one transaction including GST is now a net $150. If disposing of more than one parcel, additional parcels are a net $70. All fees can be added to the Cost Base of your holding for tax purposes. In all cases the consideration is one dollar a parcel. This is explained in more detail in our covering letter.
If your securities are on the BT Panorama platform, please check with us first at BT Panorama are unable to facilitate off-market transfers for some accounts.
Notes regarding payment
When you have completed the online form and processed any corrections, the data you SUBMIT is captured to our system.
Please then process your payment by credit card using our secure Westpac/eWay merchant facility.
If you do not wish to pay by credit card you may make a direct deposit to our parent company’s bank account as follows:
In either case, the name of the client (beneficial owner) should be provided as a reference.
Please also note that a receipted invoice is provided with the documents.